Tuesday 17 March 2020

I'm Over the Moon with Hunkydory Moonstone Dies

Hello everyone, its been a while since my last blog but I'd like to share with you this amazing card I made using the Hunkydory Frame Creations die set which is part of the fantastic Moonstone die range by Hunkydory.

I hope you are all keeping well, Mum and I are on day one of isolation, its such a worring situation and a scary one to be in and if like me you find yourself isolating as you are a carer for a parent or loved one its not going to be an easy ride for any of us.  We have had phone calls and messages from neighbours offering to get us supplies if needed but thankfully we are ok for the moment, we haven't gone mad and stock piled, but I rely pretty much on shopping being delivered as Mum is prone to having falls so as we speak no slots available for deliveries for two weeks so I've had to think outside the box to come up with solutions to ensure Mum and I have what we need to survive the next three months.  I'm also diabetic so have my own issues to worry about but one thing I won't run out of is craft supplies.

Anyway to make this card you will need:

1. Moonstone Frame Creator die set - code MSTONE102
2.  Two sheets of coordinating Adorable Scorable.
3.  One sheet of gold mirricard.
4.  Topper set of your choice - for this card I've used one from Beautiful Birdsong.
5.  Coordinating gems of your choice.
6.  Coordinating ribbon of your choice.
7.  Red liner tape.
8.  Wet glue of your choice.
9.  3D foam pads.
10.  Hot glue gun.
11.  Bone folder.

Step One
Using the large die cut four of the panel pieces to make the frame.  Crease along the fold lines with a bone folder and then put a strip of red liner tape along the flat edge as shown in the photo below.  Remove the red film and carefully assemble the frame pieces sticking the flap with the red liner tape on to the outside of the top flap.  (This will make sense when you assemble).

You should then have four frame pieces looking like this:

Stage Two

Start assembling the frame as shown.  Hunkydory have produced a really great video showing you how to assemble this frame which I will add a link to at the end of my blog for extra assistance.

I found that using a strong adhesive like the construction glue by Hunkydory worked better than red liner tape as it gave a bit more wiggle room to ensure the pieces of the frame were together correctly.

Stage Three
Cut a coordinating square and stick the frame onto the square to provide a bit of strength to your frame.

Stage Four
Using your selected decoration part of the die set cut four decorative panels out of mirricard. Using your wet glue carefully stick these around the frame.

Stage Five
Using the topper set make up the square picture as shown in the photograph below remember to use foam pads to give some extra dimention and lift to the die set.

Stage Six
Finishing touches - I've used a tag, attached a pretty bow and some gold gems.

Ta da
And Voila the finished project.  I've been making a few cards using the Moonstone dies please see the photos below.  I love using dies, they are really so versatile and can be used in many different ways.

Hope you have enjoyed this blog, will be back soon with another project.

Here is the link to the Hunkydory video on how to put this frame together. 

Hunkydory Frame Creation

For any Hunkydory products please visit the website www.hunkydorycrafts.co.ukwww.hunkydorycrafts.co.uk

Keep crafting! 



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