Monday 24 May 2021

Beautiful sparkly Craft Buddy Crystal Art

Hello again everyone, its been a while since I last blogged about crystal art, but I've picked up the pick-up pen again and am really finding it beneficial.  It all started a while back as you can read in previous blogs, but Mum had to go into hospital suddenly  and I had to do something to keep myself calm as she was not allowed any visitors and I dug out this beautiful picture of the windmills and tulips and managed to complete it in three weeks.  It was like welcoming back an old friend and it made me sad to realise how much I'd missed it.

Here is my finished picture:

I think you will agree that it is really stunning and I adore it, I found it very therapeutic and relaxing and it kept me occupied the whole time Mum was away from home.

Now, I ended up having a trip to the optician and they found I had an eye problem along with suspected high blood pressure, which I new I had the perfect source of remedying.  I picked out some greetings cards and have not looked back since, it has lowered my blood pressure back to normal and my eye problem is still undergoing investigations - I have a retinal vein occlusion in my right eye and am back to the hospital this coming Thursday.

The best news is that Mum who is 80 in July and has mobility problems as she is on crutches all the time and finds it difficult to do her knitting all day due to pains in her hands has also started doing crystal art again.  She is really enjoying it though Lucy our Corfie doesn't seem to agree in this photo as she wants cuddles.

I cannot reiterate enough the benefits of taking up crystal art, it is relaxing, therapeutic and good for your health if not your bank balance.

Craft Buddy Crystal Art is simply the best and I would not purchase mine from anywhere else!  Highly recommended from me.

The greetings cards are priced at £4.99 and are beautifully packaged with all the materials you need and have some wonderful images.  A great starting point if you have not done crystal art before.

Look how amazingly packaged the cards are:

If you are looking for a smaller project, why not try some of the motifs/stickers, these are fab for children to complete,we've used them here to decorate our mobile phone cases and finished off with some crystal art sealer to ensure that the crystals do not come off.

The cards are so varied and beautifully sparkle please see a few of our completed cards and some pictures of Mum enjoying her crystal art.

I hope you enjoyed this blog, please stop by again soon if you did and follow my post for new releases and updates from me about Craft Buddy Crystal Art.

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