Sunday 12 March 2017

A Springtime Sunday - well almost!

Hi everyone, not quite sure who reads my ramblings, but its been quite an eventful week, signs of spring are all around the corner, this time of year makes me get excited about the summer and the colours that emerge in the garden, it starts becoming alive with crocus and daffodils.  Our poor garden has been a bit neglected with Mum's fall last summer and her breaking her leg and hip quite badly that she is now permanently on crutches, she still remains cheerful and has put her recovery time to good use and has, at the age of 75, learnt to crochet after being a knitter for most of her adult life.  I am extremely proud of what she has achieved.  We quite often have PJ days here on a Sunday, our day off where we catch up on TV and sit and do our crafts together.

I'm quite excited about the fact I picked up my new glasses this week and have started working on a sock again.  I undone the original one as I kept making mistakes and now I have my new glasses I can see much clearer.  I have started another sock in a plain colour so its easier for me to start with.  Again West Yorkshire Spinners which is such amazing yarn to work with.  I've been quite enjoying knitting a jumper as well during the darker evenings.  I must say huge thank you to Christine Perry and her Sockalong Facebook Group for all the support they have given me during the difficult times I've had starting my first socks.  I'm determined that I will get this sorted and will finish it.

My dogs (two Cairn Terriers) were groomed this week, they have also been enjoying lots of walks this week and playing and running around our large garden.  They really are the best of friends.  We've only had Isla the little grey one for almost a year.  They have bonded so well together and really are my best friends in the whole world.  Always there with a lick and a cuddle when I need one.

I'm all enthusiastic about my garden again, we have a new gardener who is an absolute star and it is beginning to look like our garden again rather than a display of weeds and grass.  I'm getting all enthusiastic about starting off my veg this year and sewing some flower seeds.  I love all this bit of gardening, weeding is what I detest though!

Anyway, whatever you are doing this week, please have fun and enjoy the spring weather.

 Mum and the cushion made with Sirdar Snuggly. 

The back of the cushion.

Little Isla likes the cushion.

Mum starting her new jumper and getting in a bit of a muddle
 with the wool.  It happens to us all doesn't it!!

My first attempt at a sock, sadly this one got 
undone as I miscounted the shaping

The beginnings of a sock and my new reading glasses.

Spring time crocus in a butler sink - mum was weeding this when she fell :(

A beautiful primrose.

My two besties, Isla is the grey one and Millie the cream
Isla is almost 2 and Millie 4.

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