Thursday 21 January 2016

What does your craft room look like??

Hello everyone from a cold and frosty Essex morning.

We spent a few days sorting and tidying our craft room.  We bought a really good box tidy system from The Craft Channel which has really helped us sort out our stash into some sort of order.  Making it much easier.

The desk and chair was donated to us by my brother and most gratefully received too.  The table where the Spellbinder machine is one of those hospital bed tables on wheels that we bought for my late father and have put it to good use in the craft room.

What are your best craft storage items?  Ours are most definitely the box storage system that lets you stack things one on top of the other.

I work from home during the week, am hoping to have cleared my work today so I can have tomorrow off and spend it crafting, well some of it, and as for the weekend, guess where I'm going to be for a few hours.

I have joined the Trimcraft forum this week and they are a nice friendly bunch, not to mention the Hunkydorables on Facebook and Tonicaholics.  Both are fab groups to get good ideas from if you are looking to interact with other like minded crafters.

Enjoy your day.




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